Time once again to get your picks in for the BPR league Fantasy Runway contest! We have another autographed Tim Gunn bobblehead at stake for this week's winner! Here's the skinny:
- If you haven't already done so, register right now for Fantasy Runway, it's free and fun. Returning users can simply click on the 'Returning Users Login' tab on the bottom of the home page.
- Grand Prize is a trip for two to the TRESsemme finale viewing in New York. This is a random drawing - anyone who registers can win!
- Make sure to click the 'My Leagues' tab at the top and join the BPR league. You can join more than one league and even make your own for family and friends!
- After you enter your picks for the week, make sure to click the 'submit' button. A new screen pops up confirming your choices.
- It doesn't matter how many points you have or if you've never played before, anyone who belongs to the BPR league can win our weekly prize. The league member with the highest number of points this week wins.
- If there is a tie, we will have a walk-off trivia challenge amongst the finalists tomorrow as soon as the scores are posted. First finalist to answer the trivia challenge wins!
- For those of you that host viewing soirees, check out the 'Party Central' feature on the Fantasy Runway site. Just submit your picture; the best photo will win a TRESemme package of products.
Thanks again to TimGunn and our good friend Emmett McCarthy for donating this wek's BPR league prize. Good luck BPR's!
Labels: Contest, Emmett McCarthy, Fantasy Runway
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