Here are my impressions:
First of all, our readers really like Chris March. His personality as well as his design. If he was in any kind of trouble because of being last to the fabric tents, there would have been heck to pay.
Elisa's dress would have been great without the train, but mostly her model was incredible. Lea is gorgeous, isn't she?
We hear your concerns about the TRESemme game. Rest assured that the results that were locked in have been tabulated. Watch shortly for the announcement of the 9 people that have the highest scores; one of them will win a book signed by Tim Gunn!
Do you know who won "best hair?" It was Kevin. Do you remember his model's hairstyle? Katie has beautiful hair. Kevin's dress design was pretty sweet too.
Anyone want to bet that Rami will switch models? Which one would YOU choose?
Please continue to send in your recaps for the Looza. We have quite a few already!
More news later. Thanks for reading BPR.
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