This link has video of Wendy Pepper on "The Most." Thanks Susan.
Here is an article in my hometown paper about this weekend's event with Kara Janx. My son Daniel and I are going. Who else?
Here are some more photos from Emmett's Sale: This is Dalin, Nick, Julia and Kathryn. Hi girls! It was fun meeting you!
Below is Dalin (Duckie) and Tim!
Speaking of Emmett, I received this note today:
Dear Blogging Project Runway:
We have been overwhelmed by the LOVE for Tim Gunn and have been packing up bobble heads and t shirts and shipping them out! (So much for the glamourous life of designing!)
The shipments are on the way so look for Tim Gunn in your mail box!
Also the REAL Tim Gunn is coming by this weekend and offered to sign more t- shirts and bobbleheads for those BeePeRs who missed out the first time.
If interested place your orders and specify if you want a signed t-shirt or bobble head in the comment field.
here is the link:
To order a Bobblehead or T-shirt
Can't wait to see you at our next event!
Last, from Chris, here is a link to a finale show critique from zoozoom. Spoiler Alert - you will see photos of several designs.
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