Click here for EMc2 in Daily Candy.
Okay - there is a lot going on tomorrow, let's see if I can remember it all...
First, the sale starts at 11:00 a.m. You will want to get there early for the best selection. Nick is bringing a lot of sale items. Kara will be bringing some items from her new fall line which can be seen here on her website. Click through to the Fall 06/07 line. Her new stuff is awesome.
Select items from Emmett's, Chloe's and Nick's Fall lines will also be available, as well as the new Tim Gunn T-shirts!
Tim Gunn himself will be at EMc2 between 5:00 - 7:00. : )
The first ten people who spend at least $1000 will receive a PR Season Two DVD autographed by Chloe, Nick, Kara and Emmett.
Alison, Laura, Keith, Malan and any other PR#3 designers who are in NYC on Wednesday (after the Tuesday night festivities), why not stop by Emmett's store? PR#1 designers too! What a blast. Imagine the photo opportunities - please send photos to BPR (maybe even more 'I Heart BPR' shoutouts)!
Later, there will be a Project Runway 3 Party at Bar Bossa (232 Elizabeth, NYC.)...
Our friendly and delicious Brazilian Cafe, next door to EMC2, has graciously offered to keep their big screen tv (left over from the world cup) for our own PR3 Premiere party, starting at about 9:30pm so we don't overwhelm their regular dinner guests. Anyone in the neighborhood after our "Runway+Reality=Sale!" event is welcome. Hopefully Chloe, Kara, Nick and I can attend if we're not too wiped. Space is limited to about 50 so please RSVP at
Don't forget your cameras - and your credit cards!
Wish I could be there.
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