This might be the voice of Malan Breton.
Thanks, Laura!
More on Kayne Gillaspie, this time from one of his many charming and adoring sisters:
Hi Scarlett,
...As a child I began competing in the pageant industry. Kayne was always my biggest fan. He would travel with me and help me with my gowns and competition clothing. When Kayne and I were teenagers I decided to get a little more serious and entered the Miss Tennessee Teen competition. I began getting some of my gowns from a local boutique that dressed a lot of girls in the pageant. The owner told me that he was interested in doing custom gowns but needed a talented sketch artist. I introduced my brother to him and everything fell into place. I can tell you that Kayne is a special person. Everyone who meets him loves him....
... It is driving our family crazy that Kayne will not tell us anything.....he is totally playing by the rules!!!
She also attaches the following pictures of more beauties from Oklahoma wearing Kayne's gowns. (The dresses in color are his; mouseover for details.)
Thanks, Andrea!
Finally, we received a correction for this post regarding Kayne. In the Miss Oklahoma USA 2006 photo we had highlighted the wrong runner-up. The photo you see now is corrected.
Thanks, Warren!
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